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Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Scartaglen N.S. took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal organised by Team Hope. We were delighted with the huge response. 99 Christmas shoeboxes were packed with a wonderful variety of goodies that will be sent to children in developing countries around the world. There was great excitement when the boxes were loaded to be taken to the local depot. A big thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause and to Ms. C. O' Leary for organising the appeal.

Scholastic Book Fair
We held our annual book fair in the school recently. Each class had an opportunity to stock up on books before their Christmas holidays. We love seeing the children reading and there is always great interest in all the latest books that are available. We were delighted to welcome parents to the Book Fair to help select books with their children. Due to your tremendous support the school will now receive 60% of the money spent in credits to purchase more literacy resources and books for the school. This means that the school can spend over €1200 on new books for your children. Thanks to Katie, Sarah and Catherine for all their work over the two days of the fair. We hope you enjoy reading all of your new books on these cold winter evenings!!

Relax Kids
6th Class boys and girls are taking part in a 6 week Relax Kids Programme. Relax Kids uses a unique method to take children from high energy and stress levels to a state of relaxation that has been shown to have a positive impact on children’s mental and emotional health and wellbeing. The class are really enjoying the sessions and are learning lots of new skills and techniques.

Halloween in Scartaglen N.S.
We had great fun for Halloween in Scartaglen N.S. All of the boys and girls dressed up in their Halloween costumes for “Trick or Treat for sick children”. A total of €375 was raised for the Children’s Health Foundation which supports Crumlin, Temple Street, Tallaght and Connolly Hospitals. Thank you all for your generosity. There was also tremendous excitement as the Parent’s Council hosted a Halloween Disco for the students in the Heritage Centre. A huge thanks to the Parent’s Council for organising this event.

Goodbye Mrs. Doody
We bid a fond farewell to Mrs. Doody on her last day in Scartaglen N.S. The boys and girls prepared lots of poems and pictures to thank her for all her work in Scartaglen. The Parent's Council also made a presentation to Mrs. Doody.

Scartaglen Ladies Team Visit
We were delighted to welcome some members of the Scartgalen Ladies Team after their wonderful win in the county final. The team was full of our past pupils as well as our very own Catherine O' Connor!

Hurling and Camogie in Scartaglen
Thanks to Sliabh Luachra Camogie club for providing hurling and camogie coaching to the boys and girls in Scartaglen N.S. They are all enjoying learning new skills and getting lots of exercise!

Cumann na mBunscol
Well done to our Boy’s Football Team who participated in the Cumann na mBunscol Football over the past number of weeks. The boys played brilliantly and represented the school with fantastic spirit on the football pitch making it all the way to the semi-final of the competition. They taveled to Caherslee to play Annascaul and lost out after a tough match. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her hard work coaching the team.

Brendan Martin Cup
We were delighted to have some of the Kerry Ladies team visit the school along with the Brendan Martin Cup. They visited each classroom and answered lots of questions about their historic win!

Junior Infant Class of 2024
We are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to Scartaglen National School. We are sure they will be very happy in our school. Click on the image or the link below to see some lovely photos of their first day in school!